Saturday, November 04, 2006

Studio Friday: Interconnected

This week's topic for Friday November 3rd suggested by Nancy Bea: I AM INTERCONNECTED!

" I am not thinking of connections one might feel to other "great artists" of the past or inspiring, high-profile contemporaries, but the connections that help keep you happy in the studio. Artist friends you get together with for critiques or just coffee and supportive conversation.
For instance I am in a group of four women who get together for all of that, plus find venues to occasionally show together, and we encourage each other in every possible way. Maybe you are part of a class or group that gets together to try out new techniques once a month. Or do you have a beloved teacher you still talk with on occsaion who helps you feel connected to and strengthened by your past. Isolation can cause fear and despondancy: the artist alone in the ivory tower is often the one who commits suicide or stops working! We are all interconnected and honoring and recognizing that is an immense comfort and inspiration and source of strength for me, and I am sure for others too."
~ Nancy Bea

What an appropriate time for this topic! Lately I've missed my fellow artists and teachers. My interactions with the Internet community have been important to me lately but I've missed flesh and blood people around to discuss art. Last weekend I went to the artists' reception for the Tennessee Valley Art Association member exhibit where I was showing a couple of my pieces. It was so nice just to hang around and talk about art for a while. This is a very welcoming art association and this exhibit is one of my favorites. It's an exhibit where almost anything goes. You can see sculpture, pottery, painting, drawing, photography, collage, and fiberarts. The artists range from high school age to artists in their 80s and 90s. It's a wonderful reminder of the various forms that creativity takes. I had a great time. It was also a reminder that even though I have local friends who are artists, I don't get together with them enough. The interaction renews my inspiration and gives me the courage to try new things. Speaking of which, I think I'll go exercise my creativity a bit.

View more Studio Friday here.


Anonymous said...

That's great! Yes, I really understand. I too can live "in my head" (and now, in my computer!) a little too much at times. Although it is an effort, it is always of great benefit to get out and interact in real time with real people.

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Kerri Jean said...

I love my online connections, but I agree that flesh and blood connections are so rewarding. I teach art classes and also take lots of workshops to improve my skills, and these art connections have an energy that fuels my work.